Wednesday 5 May 2010

A Day With The Guild.

Zones Visited: The Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, The Hinterlands, Tanaris.

Ishnu-alah, Stranger.

Here are my tales. After two days of rest I finally decided that it was time for me to rescue Sharpbeak. So I took the boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay and then the gryphon that led me to the Hinterlands. I repaired my armor, set up Kong for the fight and made my way to Jintha'Alor. This time the Trolls and their fellow Vilebranch Wolves couldn't scare me, I felt like I was enough powerful to do that. I fought many villains and I reached a small cavern on the top of the temple, defeated the two guardians and went through that. There was the little Sharpbeak, trapped in a cage. I tried to lockpick it but I failed, I needed the key for that. Then I searched for the main altar and I fought against the Vile Priestess Hexx, who dropped the key. As soon as I opened the cage Sharpbeak's parents went down from the sky and took the little gryphon with them. Glad for the good deed I decided that it was time to amuse myself. So I joined my guild fellows in Tanaris and we altogether organized a race through the desert. At least, this was our intent, because our group, has been attacked many times by Trolls and many beasts, who blatantly aimed for the weakest of us. This anyway added thrill to everything and we raced many and many times, stopping now and then to rescue our youngest disciples. After this tiring yet amazing day I decided to rest in Gadgetzan, I'm continuing tomorrow my adventures through Azeroth.

These are Sharpbeak and his parents, flying high towards freedom.

I hope you enjoyed my story and to meet you again. Until then, asha'falah.

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