Saturday 1 May 2010

Hard Time At Jintha'Alor.

Zones Visited: Feralas, Thousand Needles, Tanaris, The Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, The Hinterlands, Stormind City, Blasted Lands.

Elune be with you, Stranger.

Here are my tales. Yesterday has been quite a stressing day, since the tasks I followed and all the wanderings took me to the very limit of my stamina. I am very happy of this anyway, because finally I've found something that can make me give up and that forces my improvement as a hunter. Azeroth isn't Wonderland, I finally remembered this lesson. Anyway, starting from Feathermoon Stronghold, I had to make my way to Tanaris, but I didn't know how to. Something told me anyway that Thousand Needles was the key, so I took the hyppogryph to Thalanaar and started my search for any kind of passage. Eventually I've spetted a narrow road located on the southern tip of the Shimmering Flats and finally arrived into Tanaris. The first thing I saw was Gadgetzan, a small Goblin city, actually more an encampment than a real agglomerate of buildings. At least there was a gryphon master, so when I finally found the Roc gizzards I needed it has been easy for me to reach Ratchet and then take the boat to Booty Bay. Another flight took me back to the Hinterlands and I've been able to bring Rhapsody the ingredients for his brew. After this the Dwarf asked me to come back to Stormwind City and talk to Brohann Caskbelly, but before doing this I went to the Altar of Zul in search for the breed of the Sharpbeak Gryphon. I haven't found anything in there but a bunch of Troll sorcerers, who took me and Kong in a fierce battle. One of these vile beings dropped the Sacred Mallet, which I needed to use in the Altar of Jintha'Alor in order to transform it into the Mallet of Zul'Farrak. I searched for the temple and tried to go through the lot of Trolls that lurked in there, but the challenge became too hard even for me and my brother Kong even died, so I had to give up. I'm returning there when I and Kong will be more powerful, this is a promise. I came back to Aerie Peak and Gryphon Master Talonaxe asked me to go to the Blasted Lands to speak with Thadius Grimshade, so I decided that it was time to leave the Hinterlands for a while. On my journey to Nethergarde Keep i went to Stormwind and talked with Brohann about Rhapsody's story and then he asked me to go to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar and search for some Atal'ai Tablets located in there. I eventually got in the Blasted Lands and spoke to Thadius. I got another quest, this time I was asked to search for a Troll called Nekrum and to collect his medallion, then to bring it back to Grimshade. Since I am a calm person, I thought it was best to relieve myself before doing anything else, so right now I'm still in Nethergarde, waiting to get well.

This is the entrance of the Temple of Jintha'Alor. I'm watching this with another eye, sooner or later.

I hope you enjoyed my story and to meet you again. Until then, may the stars guide you.

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