Sunday 2 May 2010

Helping Out Children.

Zones Visited: Blasted Lands, Swamp Of Sorrows, Stormwind City, Stranglethorn Vale, The Barrens, Tanaris, Zul'Farrak, Thousand Needles, Dustwallow Marsh, The Hinterlands, Westfall, Loch Modan, Darnassus.

Greetings, Stranger.

Here are my tales. Yesterday my wanderings brought me through many parts of Azeroth and gave me the occasion to do something good with a Human Orphan. First things first anyway. From Nethergarde Keep I went to the Swamp of Sorrows and sneaked through the sunken Temple of Atal'Hakkar, where I found the Atal'ai Tablets that Brohann Caskbelly Needed. I brought the old Dwarf the Tablets, took the gryphon to Booty Bay and then the boat to Ratchet, from where I headed towards Tanaris, where Zul'Farrak is. On the way to there I found some adventurers and we teamed up in order to help each other through the dungeon. We eventually made it and I also found a distress beacon who led me to the southern part of Tanaris desert, in order to rescue a gnomish homing robot. After that I went to Duswallow Marsh to give Tabetha the Tiara of the Deep, she had lost in Zul'Farrak and I met Jadie, another disciple of The Fallen Temple. She needed to go to Tanaris but she didn't have the flight path to Gadgetzan, so I've been very happy to escort her through Thousand Needles, where I also had the possibility to give the Gahz'rilla Electrified Scale to Wizzle Brassbolts, and finally get her into the desert. Back again to the Blasted Lands, I gave to Thadius Grimshade the Nekrum's Medallion and waited for his divination, then I returned to Gryphon Master Talonaxe in the Hinterlands who asked me to rescue Sharpbeak, who was in the Temple of Jintha'Alor. I knew that the Temple was in my destiny, but I still didn't feel strong enough to make it. So I decided that it was time to do something good for the less fortunate, so I went to Stormwind, spoke to Orphan Matron Nightingale and met Randis, a Human orphan. My will was to have fun with him and to make him see the most beautiful parts of Kalimdor, so I brought him to the Ghost Lighthouse in Westfall, to the Stonewrought Dam in Loch Modan and to to Bough of Eternals in Darnassus. Then I asked him what was his biggest desire and he told me that having an autograph by Jaina Proudmoore would have been the best thing in the world, so I brought him to Theramore Isle and made his dream come true. Back to Stormwind, before bringing Randis back to the Orphan Matron we enjoyed a good "Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Icecream". The child was so happy about his adventures that he gave me a turtle pet as a reward. I eventually decided that it was time for me to take a rest, I have to train hard to be in shape for Jintha'Alor and I need to sleep as much as I can.

This is Randis, meeting me and Kong for the first time.

I hope you enjoyed my story and to meet you again. Until then, Asha'falah.

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